
SGH reports are highly valued for helping clients understand and stay ahead of the news cycle on central banks and macro policy events that drive the global economies and financial markets.

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October 26, 2015
SGH Insight
"We do believe an FOMC majority still expects conditions to warrant a start to policy normalization at the upcoming December meeting. To that end, we expect the FOMC in Wednesday’s statement to affirm continued “moderate” growth, perhaps cite “cumulative” gains in the labor market to offset the slower net new job growth, and, we suspect, soften somewhat the sentence on the international risks to the US outlook."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 10/28/15) "Treasuries fell as Federal Reserve policy makers said the economy is still expanding at a “moderate” pace as they left interest rates unchanged, giving themselves the option to tighten policy at their next meeting in December.

Two-year note yields reached a one-month high. The Fed also removed a line from September’s statement saying that global economic and financial developments “may restrain economic activity somewhat,” saying Wednesday only that the central bank is monitoring the international situation.

U.S. 2-year note yields rose nine basis points, or 0.09 percentage point, to 0.72 percent as of 2:11 p.m. in New York, according to Bloomberg Bond Trader data."
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October 13, 2015
SGH Insight
"Along with a CPI that is expected to drop from the last 2% reading, a sub-7% GDP will also we believe trigger a cut by the People’s Bank of China in both the RRR (reserve requirement ratio) of 50 basis points, and a cut in interest rates of 25 basis points in the second half of October."
Market Validation
(FT 10/23/15) "European equities are enjoying another buoyant day on the back of today's rate cut from the People's Bank of China and yesterday's European Central Bank meeting, which paved the way for further monetary stimulus as early as December.

The PBoC just cut its reserve requirement ratio by 0.5 percentage points, and the one-year deposit and lending rates by 0.25 percentage points, writes Joel Lewin.

Germany's Dax leapt another 1.2 per cent on the news, and is now up 3.2 per cent on the day. The index has risen 14.6 per cent since it hit an eight-month low at the end of September.

The FTSE 100 climbed another 0.6 per cent after China's rate cut was announced and is now up 1.7 per cent today.

The French CAC 40 also jumped another 1 per cent and is now up 2.9 per cent on the day, having risen for six out of the last sessions."
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September 29, 2015
SGH Insight
"But putting aside initial relief in having averted the potential high risk disaster of a greater than 50 percentage point vote for the pro-independence parties – a result which was frankly never reflected in the polls to begin with – we believe the “as expected” performance of the pro-independence parties in the weekend vote is still likely to generate more, not less, instability and polarization between Madrid and Barcelona, making negotiations on further autonomy and concessions from Madrid that much harder than previously thought."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 11/9/15) "Spanish bonds slid for a fourth day, set for the longest losing streak in eight weeks, as Catalonia’s parliament passed a motion declaring the start of independence, a move that the Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy will block via a lawsuit before the Constitutional Court."
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September 18, 2015
SGH Insight
“The Fed intends to undertake a major communications offensive in the coming weeks. Fed officials are likely to lay out a fairly coordinated case that a cautionary, tactical delay from a close call September first rate hike was warranted with the start to policy normalization still likely before year-end. They are likely to affirm their confidence in the economy’s underlying momentum that should drive enough job growth to slowly lift inflation as the “transitory” international downward pressures fade from the data.”
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 9/21/15) "Treasuries Fall Amid Risk-Asset Gains, Hawkish Fed Comments
10Y yield was 8.2bps higher in late trading, erasing Friday’s decline to lowest closing levels since Sept. 7
2Y yield, whose 13.1bp drop Thursday from YTD high 0.811% to 0.679% was biggest since March 2009, was 3.3bps higher at 0.710% in late trading"

Dennis Lockhart, a FOMC voter, said he’s confident rate liftoff will occur this year as markets settle down, echoing comments over weekend by John Williams, James Bullard and Jeffrey Lacker.

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September 08, 2015
SGH Insight
"Premier Li Keqiang recently chaired three high level meetings - special meetings of the State Council and the State Council's Executive Body - to reassure jittery local officials and outline policy measures that are being prepared to ensure Beijing meets its economic targets, and in the process stabilizes markets."
Market Validation
(FT 9/9/15) "There has been some remarkable action in Asia. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 rose 2.1 per cent, South Korea’s Kospi added 3 per cent and Hong Kong’s Hang Seng is bouncing 3.8 per cent as the region followed the lead from Wall Street’s overnight rally.But these moves pale against the 7.7 per cent advance for Tokyo’s Nikkei 225, its biggest gain since October 2008.China, Late on Tuesday evening, following grim trade data, China’s Ministry of Finance posted an article on its website stating it would carry out “stronger proactive fiscal policy” to counter headwinds to economic growth.Worries about slowing Chinese business activity have been an important cause of recent market volatility, so the prospect of Beijing doing more to support the world’s second-biggest economy is calming nerves. The Shanghai Composite rose 2.3 per cent."
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August 24, 2015
SGH Insight
"SGH China: Plunging Markets, RRR Cuts and the RMB We believe an RRR cut is indeed very much still on the table, despite the decision not to cut last night, and furthermore is possible even if markets (and the currency) show some tentative signs of stabilization given all the damage that has already occurred. It is worth remembering the leadership also continues to target and expect China's growth numbers to stabilize and pick up above the H1 levels in the third quarter."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 8/25/15) "European stocks jump to session high, erasing most of Monday’s losses, credit spreads tighten and bund futures tumble to session lows after China cuts interest rates, reserve requirement ratios.
USD/JPY rises to 119.98 Stoxx 600 rises 14.79 to 356.80; fell 19.27 yday Sept. bund future falls as much as 141 ticks to 154.27 German 10Y yield +10bps to 0.69%, US 10Y yield +8bps to 2.08% iTraxx Main index -4bps to 74, iTraxx Crossover index -20bps to 345 WTI futures +$1.38 to $39.68/bbl"
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August 24, 2015
SGH Insight
"President Xi has made it a top priority for the central government to ensure the success of the September 3 parade at Tiananmen Square. Although Xi and the CFLG have no specific plan of their own to keep the RMB exchange rate and stock market relatively stable, it is almost certain Premier Li and the state council will be pressed to take forceful measures to prevent a continued stock market crash through the celebration."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 8/27/15) -- "China’s government intervened in the stock market on Thursday to end a $5 trillion rout, according to people familiar with the matter. China wants to stabilize equities before a Sept. 3 military parade celebrating the 70th anniversary of the victory over Japan during World War II, said the people. The Shanghai Composite Index swung from a loss of 0.7 percent to rally 5.3 percent in the last hour of trading, ending its steepest five-day rout since 1996."
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August 12, 2015
SGH Insight
"We expect the currency depreciation to be managed closely, and take Beijing at its word that it will probably not lead to a drastic devaluation when the dust settles. We believe the volatility and sharp sell-off in the RMB will most likely dissipate after at most an around 5-7% move - of which we have seen almost 4% already. If the markets do not settle by themselves, the PBoC is authorized and will intervene on the close to "adjust" that market driven rate to more reasonable levels."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 8/13/15) "The yuan’s tumble eased as China’s central bank signaled support for the currency, calming investors after a shock devaluation on Tuesday rattled global markets.The PBOC said in a rare press conference that there’s no basis for depreciation to persist and policy makers will step in to control large fluctuations."

(Bloomberg 8/13/15) "Panic subsided in global markets as China’s central bank eased concern that the yuan was headed for a disorderly devaluation.
Shares in emerging markets rebounded from the lowest level since 2011 and European stocks halted the biggest two-day slide this year. Bonds and gold slipped as demand for haven assets dropped while the dollar strengthened amid increased bets the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates as soon as next month. Though China’s currency weakened for a third day, the pace of declines slowed."
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July 10, 2015
SGH Insight
"Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen will be speaking on the US economy starting at 12:30 today in an address before the City Club of Cleveland. We suspect that, on balance, her remarks on the domestic economy may surprise to the upside, taken by a dovish-leaning market keenly focused on global risks as mildly more hawkish than what might be expected."
Market Validation
(WSJ 7/10/15) "Shorter-dated U.S. government bonds extended their price losses Friday after Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen signaled the central bank is on track to raise short-term interest rates later this year.
The yield on the two-year Treasury note climbed to 0.649%, compared with 0.621% before Ms. Yellen spoke and 0.585% on Thursday, according to Tradeweb. Yields rise as prices fall.
The yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note was 2.403% compared with 2.377% right before the Fed chairwoman’s speech and 2.301% Thursday."
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July 09, 2015
SGH Insight
"On first blush, Athens looks to have moved enough to make it awkward for the EU to say no, though not enough to make it an easy or certain yes. But while the Eurogroup might come still back to ask for a little more in the closing hours, on balance, we are cautiously optimistic a deal is indeed in the making by the end of the weekend that will enable the European Central Bank to maintain its lifeline to the Greek banks and to keep Greece in the Eurozone."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 7/10/15) "Global markets signaled growing faith in Greece’s ability to clinch a bailout, as U.S. and European stocks climbed and the euro jumped the most in more than two years against the yen.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index climbed 1.2 percent at 12:37 p.m. and the Stoxx Europe 600 Index capped its biggest two-day gain since 2011."
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June 10, 2015
SGH Insight
"EU officials, we believe, are now considering various options for extending the program for a short period of time beyond the June 30 deadline, perhaps even through the summer, in order to allow more time for negotiations."

"They also for the first time last week offered Greece a significant carrot in hinting (albeit not formally committing) they may grant Greece access to 10.9 billion Euros of funds already allocated and disbursed by the EFSF to the HFSF (Hellenic Financial Stability Fund), (see SGH 06/03/15, “Greece: Rocky Roadmap to a Deal”)."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 6/26/15) "In a week where hopes of a deal on Greek finances have been raised and dashed repeatedly, Spanish and Italian bondholders have kept faith that an agreement will be reached.
As negotiations between Greece and its creditors continued, Spain’s 10-year securities headed for their biggest weekly gain in four months, and benchmark German bunds extended declines. Spanish bonds erased an earlier drop Friday as a European Union official said Greece’s creditors had proposed a five-month extension to the country’s aid program, and 15.5 billion euros ($17.4 billion) of disbursements, in negotiations to unlock funds."
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May 21, 2015
SGH Insight
"Greece is still far from delivering enough to unlock funding from the last tranche of the existing program."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 5/26/15) "German government bonds rose the most in a week as investors sought safer assets amid concern that the rise of anti-austerity parties in the euro area would deepen political turmoil across the region. In Greece, the epicenter of Europe’s sovereign-debt crisis, sliding bond prices pushed two-year note yields above 25 percent."
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May 19, 2015
SGH Insight
"The Greek proposals are unlikely to be sufficient to move the needle in the European capitals. Instead, clearer evidence of credible “redline” concessions and ratification by the Greek parliament is where the creditor demands are now leaning."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 5/26/15) "Treasury 30-year bonds rose the most in more than a week as investors sought a refuge amid plunging stocks and as talks between Greece and its creditors foundered."
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May 08, 2015
SGH Insight
"The tenor of negotiations has certainly improved over the last week and there will probably be sufficient movement by Monday for the Eurogroup to strike a cautiously positive note , however it is highly unlikely Greece and its EU partners will be able to show sufficient progress to confidently point to an imminent release of funds."
Market Validation
(FT 5/11/15) "Greek stocks recovered from their lows of the day but remained sharply lower, as eurozone finance ministers once again try to reach a deal that would hand cash to the government in Athens this month.

Ministers are meeting in Brussels with the government of Greek prime minster Alexis Tsipras needing to make a payment of €750m to the International Monetary Fund on Tuesday.

Greek stocks were down 2.6 per cent at 817.05 in late afternoon trading, while yields on its three-year bond were up 15 basis points at 20.1 per cent."
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April 28, 2015
SGH Insight
"Our understanding from Athens is that Tsipras, after the current round of private negotiations with Brussels, including a call that is hoped will happen on the technical level with the Euro Working Group tomorrow, will seek to prepare an Omnibus Bill to present to Parliament - literally within the next few days. "
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 4/28/15) "Greece’s government bonds rose, pushing prices on two-year notes to the highest in more than a month, as the country resumed efforts to break a deadlock with creditors amid evidence that voters want the government to compromise. The gains pushed down yields on the notes due in 2017 toward the lowest in a month."

(Bloomberg 4/29/15) "'Brussels Group' of Greek finance ministry officials, representatives of creditor institutions will convene Thursday morning to discuss progress of Greek bailout talks."
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April 21, 2015
SGH Insight
"From what we understand, despite the negative headlines, there has been some limited progress in negotiations at the technical level between Greek officials and the "Brussels Group" Specifically both sides have moved closer on the thorny issue of privatizations, and on a political level Greek sources maintain that both sides are settling on a compromise primary budget target of somewhere between 1.2-1.5% of GDP."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 4/22/15) "Spanish and Italian bonds rose, reducing the yield premium over their German counterparts, after Greece’s Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis fueled optimism that the nation and its creditors are narrowing their differences. Spain’s 10-year yield dropped by the most this month. Greek bonds rose, pushing the three- and 10-year yields down from the highest levels since 2012."

(Bloomberg 4/23/15) "The euro strengthened the most in one week against the dollar on speculation that Greece and its creditors will reach a deal to receive aid payments before the country runs out of money."
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April 16, 2015
SGH Insight
"The next negotiating inflection point is the Eurogroup meeting in Riga on April 24, but any real decisions will now look to have to wait until May 11 in Brussels. If between now and then there looks to be an "imminent" accident looming, a rushed intervention at the heads of state level with a "daily escalation" plan is likely."
Market Validation
(Bloomberg 4/18/15) "Greece’s government bonds had their worst week since the aftermath of Syriza’s January election victory as the nation failed to make tangible headway in its efforts to secure funding and avoid a default.
The yield on 10-year Greek debt climbed to the highest since December 2012 as the clock ticked down toward almost 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) of payments due next month."
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April 14, 2015
SGH Insight
"That means the BOJ will be frozen on monetary policy, and continue to let the economy ride as is, certainly without offering any additional near term monetary easing."

SGH Fed: Here Again April 27, 2015

"The Committee will acknowledge the slower first quarter growth, but within the same breath that it is likely to prove transitory. That translates into expectations of unemployment falling steadily through the year and low inflation persisting but still picking up next year "
Market Validation
(WSJ 4/15/15) "Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda said that the country’s underlying inflation trend is steadily improving, that inflation expectations are rising and that corporate wage- and price-setting behavior is changing."

(Bloomberg 4/15/15) "Yen drops 0.2% to 119.58 per dollar, set to snap three days of gains"

(Bloomberg 4/30/15) "Asian stocks dropped the most since January after the Bank of Japan refrained from boosting stimulus and as the Federal Reserve downplayed weak U.S. economic growth and kept raising interest rates on the table for later this year."
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April 02, 2015
SGH Insight
“We firmly believe that despite the threats and warnings, Greece will indeed meet its April 9 payment to the IMF”
Market Validation
(Reuters 04/09/15) "World stocks marched higher on Thursday, lifted by Greece's confirming it will pay a 450 million-euro loan tranche to the International Monetary Fund."

(FT 04/09/15) "Greece repaid €450m it owed the International Monetary Fund on Thursday, sending bond yields sliding as investors’ showed relief it had met its deadline. Yields on the country’s shortest dated notes declined, with three-year bonds declining 54 basis points to 20.08 per cent and five-year bonds falling 30 bps to 14.98 per cent."
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March 31, 2015
SGH Insight
" While a “Framework Understanding” announcement may be weaker than the signed “Framework Agreement” that was hoped for today, where it matters for markets, it may end up being far more significant than is being widely assumed."
Market Validation
(National Post 04/02/15) "Crude oil futures extended losses after Iran and world powers said they reached an outline accord that keeps them on track to end a decade-long nuclear dispute. Brent slid as much as 5.4% in London, while West Texas Intermediate crude dropped 4% in New York."
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