Reports Tagged: US

July 24, 2024

Questions and Answers We are getting many questions about the potential pace of rate cuts. This is not unexpected. Recall what we wrote almost two weeks ago (Tim Duy’s Fed Watch,

July 23, 2024

Why Not November? With market participants largely anticipating rate cuts in September and December, attention has turned to the November FOMC meeting. We think a November cut is a bet

July 21, 2024

Monday Morning Notes, 7/22/24 If You Don’t Have Time This Morning Encouraged by softer inflation numbers and increasingly concerned by a still-softening labor market, Fed doves grow eager to cut

March 26, 2024

Over the past several weeks former President Donald Trump has been building and is holding on to a lead over President Joseph Biden in many national polls, including most importantly

July 10, 2023

The most important objective of US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen’s just concluded visit to Beijing was to avoid further deterioration in Sino-US relations. While this is an objective often cited

December 22, 2022

All eyes were focused yesterday on the historic speech that was given by Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky to the United States Congress, in which he eloquently outlined the determination and

May 31, 2022

Our understanding from highly placed officials in Beijing is that “if the US does not continue to provoke China in the near future,” they will not rule out a video

April 08, 2022

There were unconfirmed rumors yesterday that US Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi was planning to travel to Taiwan this Sunday on the heels of a trip to Japan. The

March 25, 2022

According to China’s state media, President Xi Jinping told Britain’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a phone call today that the international community should “truly” promote peace talks, where China

March 03, 2022

The southern Ukrainian port city of Kherson has fallen to Russian Federation troops, with Mariupol and Kharkiv under siege, and with historic Odessa, where Russia’ President Vladimir Putin has explicitly

March 02, 2022

The European Union has formally adopted the latest package of sanctions against Russia (and Belarus, more on Belarus below), under which seven Russian banks will be disconnected from the SWIFT

February 24, 2022

With the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia now under way, European Union leaders will be asked by the European Commission to agree tonight on a new package of sanctions

October 07, 2021

Two weeks ago, we wrote that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell would hold fast and ultimately prevail in his repeated warnings that the Debt Ceiling would have to be addressed

September 30, 2021

Happy (almost) Friday – well it seems always exciting! Debt ceiling standoff (a real one still), reconciliation and infrastructure fight, inflation and supply chain risks, Fed appointment challenges, energy crises,

September 29, 2021

Last Friday we wrote that a continuing resolution to fund the government with a debt ceiling extension attached would be shot down by Republicans, that Congress would then back a

September 24, 2021

In discussions over the past few weeks, we were asked more than once by US officials, clearly concerned with the Congressional stalemate and potential impact of a protracted deadlock on

September 17, 2021

In the interest of efficiency and time I thought we might share a few brief highlights of key market related points in (and not in) our reports while addressing some

June 09, 2021

Washington and Brussels will use the occasion of the first summit between US President Joseph Biden and European Union leaders next week to bury the hatchet on trade issues carried

March 15, 2021

Neither Beijing nor Washington expects any breakthrough from the talks scheduled for March 18-19 in Anchorage, Alaska between their respective foreign policy leadership teams. *** Rather, the two sides will

December 23, 2020

President Donald Trump’s demand last night that the just-negotiated Covid relief bill be rewritten to bump the allocation for Economic Impact Payment checks from $600 to $2,000 per eligible recipient